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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  January 7, 2011 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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city with donations? the news is next. i was scared. i was sitting here having a cocktail and all of a sudden my feet started to move, so i hung on like this. oh, my god, it's an earthquake! >> it wasn't the stiff drink at happy hour in the south bay. everyone felt the rumble of a 4.1 quake. good evening, everyone. i'm tom sinkovitz. >> i'm jessica aguirre. the ground is still shaking
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tonight. minor shocks being felt hours after this afternoon's quake centered in the south bay. it certainly wasn't the big one, but for those who felt it, this earthquake was big enough. jeff tells us what we can expect, but george tells us what the people felt tonight. >> reporter: a yogurtland was open, and it was a quake right when it started. >> charlie boo was selling yogurt when -- >> we felt that quick jolt and we knew it was an earthquake. >> what he felt was a 4.1 quake not far from his yogurtland store in san jose. >> we had a few customers in here. they were a little bit scared, but they didn't tremble so they
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were okay. >> no flying bowls or candy. he did a walk-through just to be sure. >> everything is stable here. it's anchored. >> ten-year-old elizabeth lucas was in her second-floor room when the quake hit. >> some stuff fell over, i went downstairs to see what was happening. >> reporter: when she got downstairs, cookie the cat was freaked out and jumped on i isabel. even though the quake lasted a few seconds, it scared isabel. >> and since they were close to the epicenter, it probably felt very strong to them. they checked for cracks inside and outside the home, but they did not find any. george kitiama, nbc bay area news. the building is 18 stories high and only 13 miles away from the epicenter.
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it's designed to handle the impact of earthquakes but that didn't stop the shaking. we spoke with workers just moments after their wild ride. >> it hit us real hard. it felt like a fist, it hit us so hard. so all my coworkers, we got all nervous and didn't know what to expect. then it started rolling in and we got settled. >> due to the structure, it's made to shake back and forth, and that's exactly what it did. >> as soon as it happened, many searched nbc bay area to post their comments on the quake. you can read more there or post your own about what you felt or photos of any dama. just go to facebook and search nbc bay area on line. chief meteorologist jeff piniri talks about this earthquake, and we have to talk about our freezing temperatures, too. >> that strong jolt a very
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immediate reminder that we are in quake country and the unpredictability and power and strength of mother nature is with us each and every day as there is that 100% chance of an earthquake happening every day here across the world. that quake centered 11 miles north of morgan hill. h wee avd seven after-shocks, the latest at e 10:02. here is the predictality factor that usgs can put in this, and an 11% possibility that a 7-magnitude earthquake oc larger can happen in 2011. here's what makes your eyes pop and get those earthquake kits ready. meanwhile, it's cold out there, temperatures in the upper 20s and low 30s as we have had in the past four nights. we'll have details on where the lowest visibility will be for
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tomorrow morning coming up. san francisco will have its first asian-american mayor next week. city administrator ed lee was voted in for mayor today in a 10-1 vote by the current board of supervisors. the new board will confirm that choice on tuesday. the chinese community showed up in droves to express their approval for lee. gavin newsom helped engineer the choice. >> if i walked away and we got off track, that would have carried me into sacramento and i would have had to answer that up and down the state. now i won't have to answer that up and down the state. you better believe i'm glad i stuck around. >> mayor newsom ln sworn in as the state's lieutenant governor on monday. he says he will replace a new district attorney to replace harris before he leaves. tonight out of the gates, she's tackling the city's crime problem with a door-to-door campaign. cheryl hurd joins us from oakland city hall, and is sharon
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quan knocking? >> she is knocking and she's hoping people will be listening. three murders in seven days. mayor quan says she plans to tackle the problem the same way she tackles her campaign. she's going to take the problem to the people. >> just about two months ago, a guy was beat up in the back. if we had somebody walk by and patrol the neighborhood, they could actually help. he was 72 years old. >> he scraped me right here on the back. his total back bumper is gone. >> reporter: she and her mother the victim of a hit and run. >> there's all kinds of stuff going on. i don't know. we just need help. we need someone to come in and take over and help the community. >> reporter: that's what mayor jean quan says she wants to do in this neighborhood often used as an illegal dumping ground for garbage and violent crime. >> this beat has had 300 people a year arrested for the last five years, 100 cases of
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domestic violence every year. this is a beat where we're hoping to change the cycle of violence. >> reporter: quan says she is implementing change by going door to door on saturday with volunteers and police to tell people there are ways they can fight back against crime. the mayor says she is bringing back problem-solving officers to oakland to give people ways the city can help them clean up their streets. >> we're not trying to come in as if we know everything. we're also there to listen. and part of this came out of listening to the people who live there. >> reporter: listening to people like montgomery where guns are a normal sight there. >> it's scary. you don't want to leave your house at nighttime, scared you're going to get hit in the head. who wants to live like that? >> reporter: mayor quan will be in that neighborhood starting at 10:30 tomorrow morning. i'm cheryl hurd, nbc bay area
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news. the family of a young man murdered in golden gate park back in 2008 is now offering a reward for information leading to his killer. a $100,000 reward is being offered by the group, justice for brandon. 20-year-old brandon lee evans was shot near the conservatory of flowers in golden gate park on thanksgiving weekend. for more information, log on to it turns out four people held the winning ticket in the hardball lottery after all. after spending one night thinking about it, the stanford coach decided he would move, but not very far. christina is here to tell us about day one on the job for the number one coach. >> when your name is mentioned in the same sentence as led legendary football coach bill walsh, you know you're something special. four days of drama announced jim
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harbaugh as their next coach. after signing a contract worth $25 million, he decided to leave the farm and head for the pros. >> it's the perfect competitive opportunity for me and the rest of the san francisco organization to be a part of a team. a team that has a chance to win r the san francisco 49ers. >> along with harbaugh, this was the first time trent balky was introduced as the new general manager. now the tough work begins as harbaugh will need to assemble the coaching staff and also evaluate the team's roster. if you're wondering how much input harbaugh has in terms of player personnel, harbaugh will be making the final decisions. >> the final say of those decisions will rest in my hands, but i've said it before and i say it with great confidence, that in order to be successful, it's going to take both of us and all of us working together to make decisions. >> so what does harbaugh's
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departure mean for the stanford cardinal? coming up in sports, we'll have reaction from the farm and we'll let you know who the cardinal may have their eye on to succeed harbaugh. help wanted. the bay area police department now taking your donations in order to keep the men and women in uniform out on the streets. >> they probably won't learn it until they learn it the hard way when there is a big $9 fee on their statement they didn't notice. >> your bank is looking to make money on your dime. the hidden fees you might start seeing on your statement and the one thing you need to ask to avoid them. it happened while one neighborhood slept, but they didn't even know how bad it was until today. up next, crews work around the clock to save some homes literally hanging on the edge tonight. good evening. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. 30s in the north bay. not only the cold, but we'll be talking about rain coming our way. i'll let sey n-dacafore st.y m
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seven-day focast
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shift your weight forward onto the left foot. take the right leg up, holding the inner arch of the foot... introducing instant action alerts, only from chase. left arm up... manage your account and help avoid overdrafts with a click of a button. just reply to the alert with how much you want to transfer. inhale, all the way up... so you always stay in balance. crescent pose. chase what matters. just four more times. ♪ cliffside and it is not
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picture esque. a landslide provides a slippery situation for a man and his family on the coastline of s san clemente. talk about nerve-wraking for that family. >> that's right. tonight geologists are saying this area is unsafe. homes mostly unin habitable now empty. his backyard changed dramatically when the hillside behind his house, and five others, collapsed last night. the slide was foreshadowed long ago. >> over two years, i've seen the patio slip away from the house like three inches, so it was happening. >> a nice neighbor that came down and said he had heard
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crackling and popping and that we should probably go out and look at our hillside because his had just sheered off. so we went out and it was down off the golf course. >> they were one of the four homes red-tagged. it prompted a flurry of move-out activity, residents given time to collect their belongings and ordered to plan on sleeping someplace else. >> we said, could we stay if we wanted to? and they said, no, you have to go if it's red-tagged. and we said, how long? they said indefinite. we just don't know. >> i thought we'd be okay on the cliff, but apparently not. >> reporter: tons of back yards and landscaping landed on the golf course below. the city engineer said the slope that failed is on private pro t property, so homeowners are responsible for repairs.
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this victim says there is a silver lining. >> i'm so thankful for all the neighbors and the wonderful outpouring of support that we've gotten from everybody. unbelievable. >> city engineers who granted residents time tonight and tomorrow to remove their property, but that permission will be rescinded if the slide worsens. reporting live in san clemente. city officials are asking for donations to help pay for the police department. mayor jim davis said residents have been asking how they can donate money to match a pledge made by local businessman tom nokes last month. they are also seeking donations from larger businesses in the community. six police officers skecheduledo be laid off will keep their jobs until at least january 21st, thanks to donations. the city is still seeking dairk.
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>> big banks are taking a loss of millions of dollars of revenues lately. they rolled out a new round of fees eventually coming to a branch near you. >> no longer able to rake in money from overdraft fees, banks are introducing revenue streams. translation? it probably means no more free checking. >> billions of dollars are going away from banks so they're trying to recreate those funds. >> they do business with over half the households in america. later this month, it will charge fees of anywhere from 6 to $25 for checking accounts unless customers maintain minimum balances, use credit cards, bank on line or have a mortgage with the bank. wells fargo may follow suit, too, and maybe even jp morgan chase.
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which also may charge maintenance fees for direct deposit unless each direct deposit is at least $50 0. >> people are used to that in terms of trying to avoid fees. >> he wrote a book criticizing the fees. >> maybe who haven't paid fees before will have to do something to avoid fees, and they probably won't learn it until they learn it the hard way when there is a big $9 fee you didn't notice. now, california is not affected in the first round of bank of america's tiered services, but it affects customers in arizona and massachusetts. but bank of america will be included later this year. in the meantime, many on-line banks don't have fees but don't count on that lasting for long. >>. let's take a look at those numbers. it did come with a little bit of pain today.
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it was cold and throughout the east bay, it was really hard to get out of the fog. the temperature stayed at 44 degrees for that high, 44 in concord, 46 in napa valley. and right up the peninsula, temperatures in the mid to upper 40s as well. we did get in on temperatures in the low 50s and that's where we did manage some sunshine. however, the fog is already starting to come back. half-mile invisibility. visibility not too bad back here to the east bay but we'll still find patchy areas of dense fog throughout the morning. as for those temperatures, they're continuing to drop already. 33 in livermore our coldest spot as you will be looking at 20s for tomorrow morning, 45 in san jose. 30s in the east bay because we actually did manage some sunshine and some slightly warmer temperatures there in the south bay. so for saturday, we're going to
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stay dry. that's the great news. and we're also getting in on some sunshine butd it will be the late noontime hour and also the early hour, and then in the seven-day forecast, we are tracking some rain coming back. we have a system to the north, but as it continues to the south, it's weakening, it's falling apart, so we won't have to worry about this for saturday or sunday. the storm we're watching is still thousands of miles away. temperatures in the upper 40s to near 50 for tomorrow after we get over that fog, of course. as for the morning hours, we'll look at temperatures in the east bay in the upper 20s and also those patchy areas of dense fog as we have been stressing. so take it slow in the east but also in the north bay where temperatures will be in the 30s. only 40 degrees for that overnight low.
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as for tomorrow, we're going to struggle to get to these numbers in the low 50s for south bay, 49 in livermore, a damp 52 in san francisco, but that sun coming out, as we mentioned, by the afternoon. 47 in the napa valley and as we head out to the north bay, conditions will be in the upper 40s to near 50. we are looking at this dry weather continuing for sunday, monday, tuesday and wednesday. right now our next best chance of rain will be coming as we head into thursday at this point. and the other great news as we head into sunday and also monday morning, we're going to get the atmosphere stirred up, so looks like we should be out of the fog pattern at this point, so overnight lows warming up and we should be getting rid of the fog here, too. not bad. >> not bad at all. >> have a good weekend. >> thanks, jeff, you too. a "30 rock" shock tonight.
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a big change ahead for one of the stars of the show. mary! hey! wo you look great! thanks! it's this new wish yourself thin pgram. i just wish it and it happens. it's probably those fiber one bars you're eating. i know they help me stick to my diet. the bars are 90 calories and the fiber helps you feel full. 90 calories and high fiber. so that's why this diet thing is working. but it's weird because my wish for lorenzo came true. [ male announcer ] fiber one 90 calorie bars. hungry no. results yes.
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. an iconic area in california is under a different ownership, the pacific park at the pier. it draws more than 4 million guests every year. the amusement center first opened in 1996 at the historic century-old pier. a new year means a new baby
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for jane krakowski on "30 rock." this week she was spotted on a beach proudly showing off her baby belly. right now she says she's just enjoying being engaged. >> christi here with all the sports. >> i new era in niners football got under way. after eight seasons of not making the playoffs, they hope jim harbaugh is the man to turn things around. plus, warriors are backt a .eho se e if they can get past the kaz. sports coming up.
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people! look at you! texting...blogging... all this technology, but you're still banking like pilgrims!
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it's time for new school banking, bubbie. interest plus savings at why earn bupkis, when your savings can earn three times the national average!! three times the national average!!! new school banking at capital one bank. with interest plus savings, go to!!!!! what's in your wallet? somebody help me down. ♪ it's ok that we're number four hundred and three ♪ ♪ we'll find ourselves a comfy seat ♪ ♪ and watch some shows and stuff ♪ ♪ ♪ let's follow that lady with the laptop ♪ ♪ and watch day-time dramas at the bus stop ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows
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on your laptop and smartphone with at&t u-verse tv. now get up to $300 back in promotion cards. at&t. rethink possible. after four days filled with twists and turns, the niners put an end to all the drama in the race to hire jim harbaugh. and they got their guy. harbaugh, who had more job offers this week than some have
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in a lifetime, signed a five-year, $25 million deal with san francisco, becoming their 18th head coach. whenever a new coach is hired, always a lot of excitement and optimism, which was the case today when harbaugh was officially introduced at the palace hotel in san francisco. harbaugh, who played 14 seasons in the nfl as quarterback, becomes a central figure in charge of leading the niners back to nfl prominence. the decision to leave stanford, a program he turned around, wasn't an easy one, and harbaugh was asked why make the move now? >> it's with humility and a little bit of a heavy heart that i leave stanford and our football team, but, you know, the chance to compete at the highest level, to compete at this level, you know, was overwhelming to me. >> well, in a statement released by stanford today, athletic director bob bowlsby said harbaugh has done an outstanding
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job furthering the football program and they wish him the best in his new challenges. they lost a coach but they kept a quarterback. so what's next for stanford football? howard rupp will return next season as a coach, but who will be head coach? one of the names mentioned is boise state peterson. as for the cardinals, here's what they had to say in regards to harbaugh's departure. >> it's a shame to see him go. it would have been fun for another run next year. >> it's a little surprising given he's done such a great job here at stanford, but we'll miss him and wish him the best. >> i think he's done a great job at just creating a wonderful community around football not only with stanford but for the entire area. >> well, let's get to some basketball. the warriors were in action
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tonight, golden state, who have won five of the last eight, they were hosting the cleveland cavaliers. m monte ellis scored 20 of the 25 points. lee had 22 points, 14 rebounds. monte ellis drained the three-pointer, the warriors up 36-24. monte led all scores with 32 points here and ate nice move in the finish. the warriors win it 116-98. they will play the next 15 at home. the big news is that the harbaugh era has officially begun. jessica and tom. has. it has. it will be interesting, won't it? >> we'll be right back.
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shift your weight forward onto the left foot. take the right leg up, holding the inner arch of the foot... introducing instant action alerts, only from chase. left arm up... manage your account and help avoid overdrafts with a click of a button. just reply to the alert with how much you want to transfer. inhale, all the way up... so you always stay in balance. crescent pose. chase what matters.
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just four more times. ♪ wo you look great! thanks! it's this new wish yourself thin pgram. i just wish it and it happens. it's probably those fiber one bars you're eating. i know they help me stick to my diet. the bars are 90 calories and the fiber helps you feel full. 90 calories and high fiber. so that's why this diet thing is working. but it's weird because my wish for lorenzo came true. [ male announcer ] fiber one 90 calorie bars. hungry no. results yes. get the milk ready because the girl scout is about to knock on your door with a new mission. it's cookie time! that means thin minutes, tag-alongs and a new edition called the shout out. it's a cross between shortbread and gingerbread. this year the girl skouts are trying to lessen the load on the
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landfill by introducing a new packaging. all i can say to you and to jeff ranieri is get your cash ready because i'm going to be selling you some cookies. >> a girl scout is going to be knocking on my door or her mother. >> i'll buy some. you could take some of those thin minutes and stick them on the sidewalk. a lot of people like them cold and frozen. meanwhile, let's take a look at these temperatures as we head into the upcoming days. you're looking at mid-50s and also dry weather over the next four to five days. you're looking at rain thursday of next week. then foggy tomorrow morning and pretty nice the next couple days enp>>oue hnj youoy eekwe yd. ye b.>>ye b ac


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